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Judge Susan G. Braden (Retired) <br/><div style='color:#83603e;font-size:12px;'>Chief Judge U.S. Court of Federal Claims</div>

Judge Susan G. Braden (Retired)
Chief Judge U.S. Court of Federal Claims

Arbitrator, Mediator, Mock Trials, Special Discovery Master

Judge Susan G. Braden was appointed in 2003, by President George W. Bush, to the United States Court of Federal Claims which has exclusive jurisdiction over cases against the federal government arising from: breach of contract/false claims; bid protest; patent and copyright infringement; land, water, and certain environmental disputes. On March 13, 2017, she was designated as Chief Judge. Since her retirement from the federal bench, she has been appointed as a Public Member of the Administrative Conference of the United States, a Fellow of the American Bar Association, and to the Board of Directors of privately- held companies in the software, artificial intelligence, and construction industries. Judge Braden recently was designated as one of ten U.S. Arbitrators to resolve disputes arising under the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement) Treaty and has joined the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University as an Adjunct Professor in the Center For Intellectual Property Protection.

In September 2022 Judge Braden was admitted into the Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals. On December, 22, 2020 Judge Susan G. Braden, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, was appointed to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Public Advisory Committee. She serves on the Artificial Intelligence, International Committee, and is Chair of the Legislative Committee.
The Public Advisory Committee for the USPTO was created through the Patent and Trademark Office Efficiency Act statute. To advise the Secretary of Commerce and the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO on the management of patent and trademark operations. The Public Advisory Committee reviews the policies, goals, performance, budget, and user fees of the patent and trademark operations.

In June of 2020, Judge Braden was selected to serve as a dispute settlement panelist pursuant to Chapter 31 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Judge Braden issued 456 published opinions and awarded over $800 million in damages. Many of these cases were of first impression e.g., changing the standard of review in Vaccine Act cases; defining the scope of the Federal Acquisition Regulation “Rights in Data-General Clause;” recognizing indirect independent R&D costs in military contracts; awarding several utility companies multi-million dollar damages for breach of nuclear waste disposal contracts; authorizing four major oil companies $99 million in CERCLA costs, under a “hold harmless” clause; awarding a major oil company damages for Department of Energy misconduct in the allocation of California oil reserves initially valued at $437 billion. She also adjudicated patent infringement cases concerning night vision goggle and drone retrieval technologies that resulted in multi-million settlements. She also defined the parameters of a “willful” violation of Foreign Financial Transactions Act. And, Judge Braden handled such cutting-edge bid protests, as: the first federal contract for cloud computing services worth $60 million; blocking the continued purchase of Russian-made rocket engines used to boost military satellite launches and oversaw the renegotiation of “block buy” contracts to launch national security payloads that resulted in $40 billion savings to the Air Force, according to the Washington Post. In 2018, she determined that claims alleging the taking of collateral securing $3 billion of Puerto Rico pension bonds was subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Court of Federal Claims, on constitutional grounds.

In 2018, the Howard University Law School recognized Judge Braden for “The Advancement of Intellectual Property Law.” In 2017, she was appointed to the U.S. Administrative Conference’s Judicial Review-Agency Guidance Project. Judge Braden was one of ten members of the Judicial Advisory Board that reviewed and edited the Federal Judicial Center’s Patent Case Management Judicial Guide, 3rd ed. (2016). In 2015, the American Law Institute named her as one of seven Judicial Advisors to the proposed RESTATEMENT OF THE LAW ON COPYRIGHT. In 2013, Judge Braden was named to the American Intellectual Property Law Association’s Judge’s Special Committee and Chair of the Court’s Advisory Council’s Intellectual Property Committee to draft the Court’s new Patent Rules. In 2012, she received the Linn Inn Alliance Distinguished Service Medal at the NY Intellectual Property Lawyers Association Annual Dinner. In 2012, she was named Chair of the ABA’s Section of Intellectual Property Law Task Force on Small Patent Claims. During 2010-11, Judge Braden served as President of the Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court, affiliated with the Federal Circuit. From 2009-12, she served on the ABA’s Judges’ Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility. In 2007, she was elected as a Member of the American Law Institute and worked on the RESTATEMENT OF LAW THIRD, RESTITUTION AND UNJUST ENRICHMENT and, in 2004, was recognized as a Senior Fellow of the ABA’s Administrative Law and Regulatory Section.

Judge Braden began her legal career in the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Section, where she served as a Senior Trial Counsel in the Energy Section and led the investigation of the merger pf two leading domestic oil companies requiring the divestiture of a major oil refinery in California. In addition, she headed litigation that conditioned the operating licenses of two nuclear power plants in Texas. She also was assigned to represent the Antitrust Division at exercises conducted under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Co-Operations and Development (OECD) in Paris and Dusseldorf to prepare for international oil supply shortages. She also led grand juries and litigated criminal price-fixing and merger cases. In 1981, she joined the Reagan Administration, serving as Counsel to two Chairmen of the Federal Trade Commission providing legal and stratgefic advice on major mergers, including all involving the domestic oil industry.

In 1984, she entered private practice, representing clients in litigating statutory, administrative, and constitutional cases before federal and state trial and appellate courts. In particular, her work litigating transformational copyright and trade secret cases concerning computer software in the United States and France received favorable notice in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and National Law Journal. She also represented small and mid-sized manufacturing firms before almost every federal agency, testified before Congress, and was a principal lobbyist for the Emergency Oil and Steel Loan Guarantee Act of 1999, that established a $1 billion federal loan guarantee program to assist bankrupt and troubled steel mills and small oil companies. She also helped create and served as General Counsel to an integrated steel company in Alabama that was one of the largest customers at that time of the Southern Company. During that time, she worked closely with Southern’s Executive Vice President and General Counsel on projects of mutual interest, including blocking the entry of a competitor to be serviced by the Tennessee Valley Authority and converting the plant to an electric mill manufactured in Switzerland.

Since her retirement from the federal bench in May 2019, Judge Braden has served as an arbitrator, mediator, and mock trial judge including as a U.S. District Court appointed mediator in a dispute between industrial customers of the largest electric utility company in a mid-west state. In 2022, she was invited to serve on the Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals.

Judge Braden received a B.A. degree (1970) and J.D. degree (1973) from Case Western Reserve University. She also attended post graduate courses at the Harvard Law School in the summer of 1978 and will complete a Certificate in Business Administration from Georgetown University in 2020.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Construction and Commercial Contracts; Intellectual Property (Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Trade Secret); Licensing (Software & Technology); Water, Real Estate (Land and Water Disputes); Energy/Oil; Environmental/CERLCA; Antitrust and Unfair Competition.



  • Anthem Builders v United States, 121 Fed. Cl. Fed. Cl. 15 (2015) – jurisdiction, acceptability of bid bonds by individual surety, performance and payment bonds.
  • American Capital Corp. v. United States, 58 Fed Cl. 398 (2003); 59 Fed. Cl. 563 (2004); 60 Fed. Cl. 294 (2004) 65 Fed. Cl. 241(2005); 66 Fed. Cl. 315(2005) – series of opinions concerning jurisdiction, Financial Institution Reform Recovery & Enforcement Act, breach of contract, awarding $41 million damages.
  • ATK Thiokol, Inc., v. United States, 68 Fed. Cl. 612 (2005); 72 Fed. Cl. 306 (2006); 76 Fed. Cl. 654 (2007)- series of opinions concerning jurisdiction, defining scope of the Federal Acquisition Regulation “Rights in Data-General Clause;” first recognition of indirect independent R&D costs in military contracts (launch vehicles).
  • AT&T Corp. and Lucent Technologies v. United States, 69 Fed Cl. 547 (2006); 69 Fed Cl. 675 (2006); 76 Fed. Cl. 297 (2007)- series of opinions determining that whether the sale of some, but not all, of the assets of a business unit was a “segment closing” under the Amended Cost Accounting Standard 413 required a fact-based inquiry.
  • Google, Inc. and Onix Networking Corp. v. United States, 95 Fed Cl. 661 (2011) – enjoining Department of Interior’s $60 million award of first cloud computing contract for violating the Competition In Contracting Act and restricting competition by imposing an “organized lock-in” on the agency.
  • Hamilton Securities Advisory Services, Inc. v. United States, 60 Fed. Cl. 144 (2004); 60 Fed. Cl. 161(2004); 60 Fed. Cl. 296 (2004) – series of opinions concerning jurisdiction, contract for financial advisory services with HUD did not require contractor to design and run an optimization model creating a “bid floor” to achieve maximum proceeds in the auction of mortgage notes.
  • Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara v. United States, 125 Fed. Cl. 557 (2011), 126 Fed. Cl. 450 (2016) – granting plaintiff summary judgment and $ 110.2 million damages in breach of contract/ Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009.
  • Maryland Enter. LLC v. United States, 116 Fed. Cl. 68 (2014) – breach of contract case, Anti-Assignments Act, anticipatory repudiation, cardinal change.
  • Space Expl. Techs. Corp. v. United States, 116 Fed. Cl. 385 (2014), 2015 WL 176629 – enjoined purchase of Russian- made rocket engines used by the Air Force to boost Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles in violation of Executive Order 13,661 (imposing sanctions on certain Russian individuals) and oversaw the renegotiation  of  $70 billion “block buy” contracts, resulting in $40 billion savings to DOD, according to the Washington Post.
  • Walsh Construction v. United States, 140 Fed. Cl. 385 (2018) – summary judgment for Government in differing site condition and breach of good faith and fair dealing claims.


  • Chevron U.S.A. v United States, 71 Fed. 236 (2006); 72 Fed. Cl. 817 (2006); 76 Fed. Cl. 442 (2007); 80 Fed. Cl. 340 (2008); 83 Fed Cl 209 (2008); 83 Fed Cl. 209 (2008); 83 Fed Cl. 313 (2008); 110 Fed. Cl. 747 (2013); 116 Fed. Cl. 202 (2014) – series of opinions concerning jurisdiction, attorney-client, work product, and crime-fraud privileges, breach of contract arising from misconduct by the Department of Energy in the allocation of oil reserves in California, awarding damages and plaintiff attorney fees, as a sanction for the Government’s conduct concerning the assertion of privilege.
  • Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and the People of California, 114 Fed Cl. 146 (2013); 122 Fed. Cl. 315 (2015); 121 Fed. Cl. 281 (2015) – series of opinions on jurisdiction, denying  private utilities standing, because of no privity of contract with two federal power authorities involved in the sale of  wholesale electric
  • Shell Oil Co., et al. United States, 123 Fed Cl. 707 (2015); 130 Fed. Cl. 8 (2017) – series of cases concerning jurisdiction, breach of contract and awarding $99.5 million damages and interest, arising from CERCLA costs incurred in operating refinery facilities.
  • Systems Fuels v. United States, 66 Fed. Cl. 722 (2005); 73 Fed. Cl. 206 (2006); 78 Fed. Cl. 769 (2007); 79 Fed. Cl. 37 (2007) 79 Fed. Cl. 182 (2007); 92 Fed. Cl. 101 (2010); 111 Fed. Cl. 381 (2013); 120 Fed. Cl. 737 (2015) – representative of numerous breach of contract cases arising under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act with opinions concerning jurisdiction, liability, awarding multi-million dollar damages.


  • Advanced Aerospace Technologies v. United States and Boeing, 122 Fed. Cl. 281 (2015), 124 Fed. Cl. 282 (2015) 125 Fed. Cl. 581 (2016) – series of opinions re construction of patent claims concerning launch and recovery system for unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) system used on Navy ships, infringement, attorney-client privilege.
  • Beacon Adhesives, Inc. v. United States, 134 Fed. Cl. 26 (2017) – construction of patents claims concerning method of manufacturing Ammunition Articles Comprising Light-Curable Moisture Preventative Sealant.
  • Honeywell International, Inc. v. United States, 65 Fed. Cl. 809(2005); 66 Fed. Cl. 400(2005); 70 Fed. Cl. 424 (2006); 71 Fed. Cl. 759 (2006); 81 Fed. Cl.224 (2008); 81 Fed. Cl. 514 (2008); 107 Fed Cl. 659(2012) – series of opinions re. construction of patent claims concerning night vision goggle technology, infringement, and 4.2% royalty damages (arising in standard setting) and delay compensation, Secrecy Act claims.
  • Mynette Technologies, Inc. v. United States, 139 Fed. Cl. 336 (2018) – construction of patent means plus function claims concerning switchable e-passports, including shielding, radio frequency shielding, and Electronically switchable RFID Tags.
  • USHIP v. United States and IBM Corp., 98 Fed. Cl. 396 (2011); 102 Fed. Cl. 326 (2011) – construction of patent claims concerning system for maintaining collected items/automatic package shipping machine and infringement claims.


  • In Re Addicks and Barker Flood-Control Reservoirs v. United States, Civil Sub-Master Docket No.17-9002 – Downstream Cases- Managed potential class action pre-trial proceedings and appointment of lead counsel in Takings Clause claims. May 2019 trial date delayed, because of Government shut-down.
  • Davis Wetlands Bank, LLC v. United States, 114 Fed. Cl. 113 (2013) – Army Corps’ refusal to issue wetland credits to mitigation bank, as authorized by the Clean Water Act, was not a breach of contract.
  • Sacramento Grazing Assn. v. United States, 66 Fed. Cl. 211 (2005); 96 Fed. Cl. 175; 2017 WL 5029063 (2017) – series of opinions concerning grazing and water rights in the State of New Mexico and impact of the Endangered Species Act on private property rights.
  • Vane Minerals (US) LLC. v. United States, 111 Fed. Cl. 253 (2013) – granted motion to dismiss surface coal mining claims filed under Federal Land Policy and Mining Act of 1877, because of intervention in related federal cases.
  • Waverly View Investors v. United States, 135 Fed. Cl. 750,136 Fed. Cl. 593(2018) – Takings Clause claim regarding potential CERCLA and Clean Water Act violations.


  • Altair Global Credit Opportunities Fund (A) LLC et al v. United States, 138 Fed. Cl. 742 (2018) – determining that the members of an Oversight Board, established by the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act of 2016, were “Officers of the United States,” so that the Court had jurisdiction over Takings Clause claims concerning $3.15 billion Puerto Rico bonds, secured by employer contributions to the Puerto Rico Employee Retirement System, but stayed the case until a final decision issued in bankruptcy proceedings. Judge Braden also suggested, in her opinion, that, the Oversight Board members were appointed in violation of the separation of powers. Subsequently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Aurelius Investment, LLC v. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Nos. 18-18-1671, 18-1746,18-1787) (Feb. 15, 2018) also held that the Oversight Board members were “Officers of the United States” and the appointment of the Board members violated the Appointment Clause of the Constitution.
  • American Airlines v. United States, 68 Fed.Cl.723 (2005); 71 Fed Cl. 744 (2006); 75 Fed. Cl. 2237 (2006); 77 Fed. Cl. 672 (2007) – Government did not have authority to impose uncollected user fees on airline, either under the Immigration User Fee or Agriculture Inspection Fee Acts.
  • American Bankers Assn. Inc. v United States, 135 Fed. Cl. 136 (2017) – trade association failed to allege individual monetary injury, nor did any member assign a right to recover, and neither the  Federal Reserve Act  nor Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 guaranteed a bank the right to receive a dividend rate at a rate certain or at the historical 6% rate.
  • Veterans Tech., LLC v United States, 138 Fed. Cl. 121 (2018), 133 Fed. Cl. 146 (2017) – Small Business Administration Determination on Standards and Size Determination, denying a small defense contractor a contract awarded by the Ballistic Missile Defense System, was arbitrary, capricious, and not supported by the Administrative Record.


  • Dustoff Technologies, Inc., St. Augustine, Florida – IT & Logistics Solutions Provider For: IT Project Management; IT Infrastructure Modernization, DoD Enterprise Architecture Implementation, Artificial Intelligence Integration And Evaluation.
  • LegalSifter, Inc., Pittsburgh- International Artificial Intelligence And Software Provider That Reviews, Extracts, And Stores Contract Data in the Cloud For Businesses and Law Firms.
  • Smoot Company and Smoot Construction Corporation – Third Generation General Contracting And Construction Companies With Offices In Columbus, Cincinnati, and Washington, D.C.
  • Washington Legal Foundation- Legal Policy Advisory Board- The Nation’s Most Preeminent Non-Profit Law Firm Devoted Exclusively To Promoting, Protecting, And Preserving America’s Free-Enterprise System Though Litigation, Publication, And Communication.


  • July 27, 2020 –Chief Judge Susan G. Braden (Ret.) will speak at the Administrative Conference
    of the United States on recent administrative law cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Supreme Court.
  • June 17, 2020 – Chief Judge Susan G. Braden (Ret.) was the Luncheon Speaker Conversation at the Intellectual Property Owner’s Association, “Observations About The USPTO Section 101 Guidelines On Patent Eligible Subject Matter And The Patentability Of Artificial Intelligence.”
  • June 9, 2020 – Chief Judge Susan G. Braden (Ret.) appeared on a panel with Hans Sauer, Deputy General Counsel and Vice President For The Intellectual Property, Biotechnology Innovation Organization and David Korn, Vice President of Intellectual Property and Law, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) discussing “Patents and Innovative Industries,” Antonin Scalia School of Law, George Mason University, WIPO- Center For The Protection Of Intellectual Property.
  • March 28, 2020 –Chief Judge Susan G. Braden (Ret.) appeared on a panel with Chief Judge Sharon Prost, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Chief Judge David Leonard Stark of the District of Delaware, and Judge David P. Shaw at the United States International Trade Commission to discuss “Supreme Court and Patent Law,” at the 17th Annual Intellectual Property Law Seminar at the Howard Law School.
  • February 20-22, 2020 – Judge Susan Braden (Ret.) was an invited guest to participate at the Naples Intellectual Property Roundtable, Naples, Florida to discuss recent jurisprudence in intellectual property law and pending patent reform legislation.
  • April 9, 2019 – Judge Susan Braden (Ret.) moderated a panel discussion at the Giles Rich Inn of Court- Federal Circuit, “Artificial Intelligence and the Administration,” with: Andrei Iancu, Undersecretary of Commerce and Director of the U.S.P.T.O, ; and Dr. Lynne E. Parker, Assistant Director for Artificial Intelligence, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
  • March 1, 2019 – Judge Susan Braden (Ret.) participated on a panel with: Federal Circuit Judge Jimmie V. Renya; Judge Leonard P. Stark (D. Del.); and Judge David Shaw, U.S.I.T.C. at the 16th Annual Intellectual Property Seminar at the Howard Law School.
  • September 21, 2018 -Judge Braden appeared on a panel at the Georgia Bar Association Annual Intellectual Property Law Institute to discuss Sovereign Immunity and Standing Issues in the Federal Circuit.
  • July 25, 2018 -Judge Braden delivered the keynote address at the I5th Annual World Congress Summit on Protecting Innovations in the Financial Services Industry, New York, New York.
  • March 16, 2018 -Chief Judge Braden appeared on a panel “The State of the Court of Federal Claims & the Boards of Contract Appeals” at the 2018 Federal Circuit Judicial Conference, moderated by Michael Schaenhold, Greenberg Traurig.
  • March 16, 2018 -Chief Judge Braden appeared on a panel “Tribunal and Agency Panel” at the 2018 Federal Circuit Judicial Conference, moderated by Circuit Judge Kara Stoll.
  • March 2, 2018 -Chief Judge Braden appeared on the Judges’ Panel at the 15th Annual Howard Law School Intellectual Property and Social Justice Seminar with Don Dunner, Finnegan Henderson, Judge Kara T. Stoll, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and David P. Shaw, Administrative Law Judge, United States International Trade Commission.
  • February 22, 2018 -Chief Judge Braden moderated a panel at the Giles S. Rich Inn of Court: “The Supreme Court Rules; Should Congress Respond?” The panelists included: Paul Clement, Kirkland Ellis; Mark Perry, Gibson Dunn; and David Kappos, Cravath.
  • February 20, 2018 -Chief Judge Braden appeared on a panel at the ABA Bid Protest Luncheon to discuss the RAND Report on Department of Defense bid protests.
  • December 1, 2017 -Chief Judge Braden participated in a working session to review Chapters 2- 3, Preliminary Draft No. 3 of the American Law Institute RESTATEMENT OF THE LAW OF COPYRIGHT in Philadelphia.
  • October 25, 2017 – Chief Judge Braden was a panelist at the George Mason Law School Public Contracting Institute Program, “The Future of Government Contracts – Bid Protests,” moderated by Professor Emeritus Ralph C. Nash, George Washington Law School
  • September 26, 2017 – Chief Judge Braden participated on a panel “Innovation and Patent Litigation Forum Trends: US, UK, EU, Korea,” Federal Circuit Bar Association and European Patent Lawyer Association, London.
  • August 11, 2017 – Chief Judge Braden was the featured speaker at the American Bar Association Public Contract Law Section Annual Meeting Luncheon in New York, New York.
  • June 24, 2017 – Chief Judge Braden was a panelist at the Federal Circuit’s Bench & Bar Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. “The Reviewed Adjudicators And Change.”
  • April 26, 2017 – Chief Judge Braden was a panelist with Cherie Owen, Jones Day, Jade C. Totman, Senior Counsel, The Boeing Company, and William Ragel, Senior Trial Counsel, Department of Justice to discuss “Bid Protests And Solicitation Ambiguities” at the Federal Circuit Bar Association 2017 Government Contracting Summit.
  • March 10, 2017-Judge Braden was a panelist at the Project on the Foundations of Private Law hosted by Harvard Law School and The George Washington University Law School on “Intellectual Property, Private Law, And The Supreme Court.”
  • February 16, 2017 – Judge Braden moderated a panel at the Giles S. Rich Inn of Court on the current patent docket of the United States Supreme Court. The panelists include: Paul D. Clement, Kirkland & Ellis; Carter Phillips, Sidley & Austin; and Kannon Shanmugam, Williams & Connolly.
  • November 17, 2016 – Judge Braden moderated a panel at the Federalist Society Annual Meeting, “Courts v. Congress: What Is A Patentable Invention?” The panelists included Professor Adam Mossoff, Antonin Scalia Law School and Professor Joshua D. Sarnoff, DePaul University College of Law.
  • November 9-11, 2016 – Judge Braden participated in a working session to review Chapter 1-2 Preliminary Draft No. 2 (Oct. 14, 2016) of the American Law Institute’s RESTATEMENT OF THE LA w OF COPYRIGHT. Judge Braden is one of nine federal judicial advisors, and the only trial judge appointed.
  • August 2016 -Judge Braden was one of the ten federal judges selected for the Judicial Advisory Board, Patent Case Management, Federal Judicial Center (2016).
  • April 6, 2016 -Panelist, “Ethics Roundtable,” 3 pt annual ABA Intellectual Property Law Conference, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • March 11, 2016-Panelist on claim construction panel at AIPLA’s Quarterly Journal Symposium at George Washington University.
  • January 21, 2016 -Chair of Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court Program on “Non-Price Predation and Patent Litigation -The Elephant In The Courtroom,” Washington, D.C.
  • December 2-4, 2015 -Attended the first Advisory Meeting to review and discuss Preliminary Draft l of the AEl’s New RESTATEMENT OF THE LAW OF COPYRIGHT in Philadelphia. Judge Braden is one of nine federal judicial advisors, and the only trial judge appointed.
  • October 27, 2015 – Women Global IP Summit mock arbitration.
  • May 12, 2015 -Panelist, “Tips and Trends: Litigating Patent Cases In The Federal Courts,” Symposium on Intellectual Property, The George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C.
  • March 13, 2015 -Moderator, “Adjudicating Intellectual Property Claims in the United States Court of Federal Claims,” Institute for Intellectual Property Law and Social Justice Seminar, Howard University Law School, Washington, D.C.
  • March 13, 2015- Panelist, “Remarks from the Bench,” Institute for Intellectual Property Law and Social Justice Seminar, Howard University Law School, Washington, D.C.
  • October I, 2014 – Panelist, “Making Your Case” Event, 2014 ChIPs Women in IP Global Summit, Washington, D.C.
  • April 16, 2014 – Moderator, Interview of recent appointments to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Judge Raymond T. Chen, Judge Todd Hughes, and Judge Richard Gary Taranto, Friday Tax Luncheon Group, Washington, D.C.
  • March 14, 2014 – Panelist, “Remarks from the Bench on Effective Advocacy in Patent Cases,” Institute for Intellectual Property Law and Social Justice Seminar, Howard University Law School, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • December 5, 2013 – Speaker, “A Discussion Of Proposals Related to Copyright and Patent Small Claims Procedures,” Committee on Federal-State Jurisdiction of the Judicial Conference of the United States, Washington, D.C.
  • October 25, 2013 – Roundtable Participant, “Altai @ 21: The Past, Present, and Future of Software Copyright Law,” Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, Berkeley, California.
  • June 28, 2013 – Panelist, “International Harmonization of Minimum Standards on PCIPA,” J\IPLNAIPPI/FICPI Colloquium, Paris France.
  • June 21, 2013 – Moderator, “Patent Adjudication Townhall,” The Federal Circuit Bar Association’s 2013 Bench & Bar Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • May 17, 2013 – Moderator, “Patent Law and Global Economic Competition,” International Legal Forum, St Petersburg, Russian Federation.
  • May 1, 2013 – Panelist, “Small Claims Patent Court: Does the US. Need It?” American Intellectual Property Law Association Spring Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
  • April 23, 2013 – Panelist, Judge’s Panel on the “Relationship Between the United States Court o Appeals for the Federal Circuit and Other Forums Under Its Appeals Jurisdiction,” Pauline Newman American Inn of Court, Arlington, Virginia.
  • March 22, 2013 – Panelist, “Conversation with Judges on Patent Litigation and Trends,” Institute for Intellectual Property Law and Social Justice Seminar, Howard University Law School, Washington, D.C.
  • February 28, 2013 – Panelist, “The Judicial Perspective: How, Where and Why,” Patent Small Claims: The Next Big Idea, AIPLA Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.
  • February 8, 2013 – Moderator, “Small Patent Claims Forum,” ABA Midyear Meeting, Dallas Texas.
  • November 16, 2012 – Panel Member, “Judge’s Views On Litigating Complex Cases,” National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, 24th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
  • October 29, 2012 – Speaker, “New Developments in US. Intellectual Property Law,” American Center, Prague, Czech Republic (Invitation from U.S. Ambassador).
  • October 10, 2012- Panel Member, “Trial Court Panel,” Inaugural Women in IP National Summit, Washington, D.C.
  • October 1, 2012 – Presenter and Roundtable Participant, “Patent Small Claims Court Forum,” United States Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, Virginia (Invitation from Undersecretary of Commerce and Director of the USPTO David J. Kappos).
  • September 13, 2012 – Moderator, Interview of recent appointments to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Judge Kathleen M. O’Malley and Judge Evan J. Wallach, Friday Tax Luncheon Group, Washington, D.C.
  • September 11, 2012 – Moderator, “A ‘Small’ Patent Claims Court: A Proposal,” Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court, Washington, D.C.
  • May 18, 2012 – Panelist, “Sovereign Immunity and The United States Court of Federal Claims,” St. Petersburg (Russia) Legal Forum and Address at St. Petersburg (Russia) State University of Economics and Finance-Law Faculty (Invitation from the U.S. Department of State).
  • March 9, 2012 – Panel Member, “Judges· Views on Trying Patent Cases,” Ninth Annual Intellectual Property Law Seminar, Institute for Intellectual Property & Social Justice, Howard University School of Law, Washington, D.C.
  • September 21, 2011 – Discussion with Circuit Judge Kathleen M. O’Malley and Circuit Judge Jimmie V. Reyna, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Interviewer, Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court, Washington, D.C.
  • September 6, 201 I – Reflections on “The Interdependence of Science and the Law,” American Association for the Advancement of Science & Technology Fellowship Lunch, Washington, D.C.
  • June 24, 2011 – “Inequitable Conduct” Panel Member, the Federal Circuit Bar Association’s 2011 Bench & Bar Conference, Key Biscayne, Florida.
  • May 20, 2011 – Trial Court Panel Member, U.S./Canadian Patent Symposium, sponsored by the Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court, the Intellectual Property Law Section of the American Bar Association, and the National Intellectual Property Section of the Canadian Bar Association, Washington, D.C.
  • March 25, 2011 – Panel Member, “A View From the Bench on the Role of the Expert Witness in Patent Litigation,” New York Intellectual Bar Association, New York, New York.
  • December 24, 2010-“Inequitable Conduct: The Defense of Last Resort,” BNA Patent Trademark & Copyright Journal, Vol. 81, No. 1996.
  • May 27, 2010 – Panel Discussion on Recent Federal Procurement Decisions, United States Department of the Navy, Office of General Counsel’s Annual Conference, Arlington, Virginia.
  • May 13, 2010 -“The Evolving Landscape of Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Procurement Integrity and Industry Participation,” American Bar Association’s Section ofintemational Law, Washington, D.C.
  • February 18, 2010-“Bid Protests at the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the United States Court of Federal Claims 2009 In Review,” Wwstlaw Government Contracts Year in Review Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • March 27, 2009 -“Inequitable Conduct: Defense of Last Resort,” New York Intellectual Bar Association, New York, New York.
  • February 10, 2009 -“How to Avoid Litigation Abuse,” Panelist, Giles S. Rich American Inn of Court, Washington, D.C.
  • July 7, 2008 -Panel Discussion: “Quanta Computer v. L.G. Electronics (Patent Exhaustion Doctrine),” ALI-ABA Teleconference.





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  • Washington, D.C.


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